8 unique gifts ideas for children all ages

Can’t believe is Christmas time again already! don’t get me wrong I love the holidays but where is time going?!

Anyways when it comes to gifts am all about unique ones. As I was researching for toys to give to the children in my life, decided to share with you my top 8 and the best part? they are under $30.

1.- Personalized plates for kids.

BPA free and dishwasher safe, so many cute food ideas you can do to decorate this plate and make meal time a fun time.

2.- A cute personalized book is always a good idea.

Children love personalized items. It gives them as sense of their uniqueness and how special they are.

These two are some of my favorites

3.- Bath Crayons

 Made of non-toxic ingredients, these child-safe crayons encourage bathtime creativity—and wash off easily

4.- Click N' Play Gigantic Keyboard Play Mat

24 Keys Piano Mat, 8 Selectable Musical Instruments + Play -Record -Playback -Demo-mode

I have personally play with one of this and it’s so much fun for the whole family. Babies can crawl on it, toddlers can jump over it, adults can dance over it, etc.

5.- idoot Magnetic Blocks Building Set for Kids

Magnetic Tiles Educational Building Construction Toys for Boys and Girls with Storage Bag - 56pcs

Blocks and magnets are two of children’s favorite. They encourage creativity, imagination and problem solving.


6.- Moon in my room

Who doesn’t want their own moon?

This is a great gift for children all ages, educational and fun!

7.- Personalized name puzzle 

Colorful, 3D and good for youngest ones to learn how to spell their name, motor skills, etc


 The Magnatab is an exceptional learning tool that provides a sensory-reinforced lesson that allows children to process information through their eyes, ears and fingertips.

Which are your favorite children gifts?

Share with us below :)